2 Oct 2020 • Family news
Hello to all our schools and churches who help support Droitwich Spa Foodbank
How the world has changed since last Autumn. I know you will all be busy trying to keep up with the constant COVID changes and Harvest festivals may be the last thing you are thinking about.
If you do manage to do a Harvest collection, please remember us. Since April we have fed over 1600 local people, over 600 of those are children. Although we have been extremely blessed with support from the supermarkets and local donations there are still some things that we are short of. I have attached a list of those items for you to use, if you wish.
Thanks to the amazing financial support we have received during the crisis we have purchased a van to help us collect donations and move food between our warehouse and client centre. If you would like us to collect any Harvest donations, please get in touch by either emailing on our info@droitwichspa.foodbank.org or ringing 07532 130604.
Debbie Ash
Project Leader
Droitwich Spa Food Bank