27 Apr 2022 • Other News

OUR EASTER SERVICE IN HANBURY was led by The Reverend Rita Holden who was invited to choose favourite hymns as a farewell special! Rita has been such a pleasure to have in Bowbrook, clear in preaching, sensitive to pastoral need and very good company. Rita writes,

‘Thank you so much for your generosity yesterday – the flowers are beautiful and the wine looks really interesting. Also thank you for the cards – all much appreciated. Perhaps you could pass my thanks on to the congregation?’

The service ended with an egg hunt, ably set up by the children; big thanks to their yummy mummies too.

Church was adorned with fresh fragrant flowers which included lilies in memory of loved ones. Following the appeal in last month’s BBN, we received donations from Margaret Windsor, Sue Jenkins, Gill Grazier, Sandra Jordan, David Lowe, Geraldine Jones, Chris and Kevin Wilkes, Fiona Kameen, Jenny Jones, John Ford and Judy Burman. Names of the loved and departed are listed at the altar and include loyal supporters of the Memorial Lillie Appeal over the years; anyone can join in. Thanks to Jenny and ‘The Guild’ for their creativity, and for ticking the Eco Church box by raiding their gardens and local resources and for the Easter Garden in the staircase window.