Snowdrops & Grounds

Snowdrops & Grounds

12 Feb 2025 • Bowbrook News

The first snowdrops are already peeping through the chilled earth, so please do come and see as the carpet unfolds on Church Hill. The grounds always look their best during Spring as the sequence of wild flowers progress from snowdrops to primroses to bluebells and finally daffodils and yes, you’ve guessed, we are ever hopeful of attracting more volunteers to spend a little time in support of eco-friendly tasks over the summer months. The unusually wet weather of the last two years has kept us off the ground but Parish Lengthsman Chis Cooke, Kevin and the team worked hard. Please consider joining us for a few sessions between April and September. We will publish dates for weekday and Saturday mornings and we really hope that some new volunteers will be able to help us with the lighter tasks which add the finishing touches. It is truly surprising to see how much can be achieved by a few people in the space of two hours.